Property owners and residents in the area of Enterprise Boulevard, between Broad and 12th Streets are invited to attend an upcoming Community Meeting for “Capital Project No. 3277 – Enterprise Blvd. Reconstruction – 12th St. to Broad St.”

Construction will soon get underway and this meeting will provide affected property owners and residents the opportunity to learn more about the impacts of anticipated road closures, detours, project timelines, etc.

This meeting is set for tomorrow, Thursday, July 6, 2023, from 6-7 p.m. at Pearl Watson Elementary School, 1300 5th Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. The meeting will take place in the school’s gymnasium.  

Impacted property owners or residents who are unable to attend the meeting, but have questions, can submit them to or by contacting Cole Thompson of D.W. Jessen & Associates at