City of Lake Charles Issues Reminder Regarding Posting of Advertising and Political Signs on Public Rights-of-Way
The City of Lake Charles is issuing a reminder regarding City ordinances pertaining to the posting of political, promotional, marketing and/or advertising signs in public rights-of-way within the City.
City code prohibits individuals or businesses from putting up signs along public streets in a way that creates a hazard for drivers or pedestrians by obstructing their view. This includes the prohibition of placing signs on utility poles, in medians and/or public rights-of-way.
City personnel help ensure signs are not placed in between utility poles and the roadway.
If a sign is placed in a right-of-way or in a manner that obstructs the vision of motorist or pedestrians, City personnel will remove the signs.
For political campaign signs, every effort is made to contact the candidate or their representative so the sign can be returned to the campaign.
Those placing promotional or campaign signs should seek the property owner’s permission before placing signs on private property.
To report illegally placed signs, call the Public Works Help Line at 491-1220 or the Mayor’s Action Line at 491-1346.